What is bamboo charcoal?

• The production of bamboo charcoal started in the middle of 90s of last century. Our country began to burn charcoal since 1995, the technology added the natural superfine bamboo charcoal with polyester, viscose and other fibers. This natural plant additive is a combination of nanotechnology and textile technology. The production of bamboo charcoal and its fiber products has spread rapidly in many provinces and regions of our country. 

• With the development of economy and the improvement of people's living standard, more and more attention has been paid to green environmental protection fiber. Bamboo charcoal fiber has good moisture absorption & moisture, breathable and comfortable, and also has antibacterial deodorant, moth mildew and other healthy effects. The bamboo fiber has become the preferred fabric of the spring and summer trends.

Bamboo charcoal Feature


Bamboo charcoal is porous structure with good odor absorption capacity. The effect can keep body always be refresh. 

▪ Far Infrared Ray

Bamboo charcoal powders can absorb and release far infrared rays between 4μm and 15μm. 

▪ Providing Negative ions

Bamboo charcoal fiber has the function of releasing negative ions






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